VINARIUM 2023: A Celebration of Excellence in the Dealu Mare Wine Region


VINARIUM 2023, held in the beautiful Dealu Mare Wine Region at the esteemed PRAHOVA PLAZA Hotel, was a grand showcase of exceptional wines and a testament to the region’s winemaking prowess. Among the distinguished wineries, Lacerta emerged triumphant, garnering prestigious awards for their outstanding wines.

Shiraz: A Great Gold Medal Winner:
Lacerta’s Shiraz stole the spotlight at VINARIUM 2023, securing the coveted Great Gold Medal. This accolade is a testament to the exceptional quality and craftsmanship that goes into each bottle of Lacerta Shiraz. With its rich aromas, bold flavors, and velvety texture, this wine captivated the judges and stood out among its peers.

Cuvee IX, Cabernet/Shiraz, and Feteasca Bio: The Golden Trio:
Lacerta’s excellence extended beyond the Shiraz, as they were honored with Gold Medals for their Cuvee IX, Cabernet/Shiraz, and Feteasca Bio wines. These remarkable blends showcase the winery’s skillful artistry in crafting harmonious and balanced wines that delight the senses. Each bottle tells a story of passion, dedication, and a deep connection to the land.

The Winemaker’s Craft:
Behind every award-winning wine lies the expertise and commitment of the winemakers at Lacerta. Their meticulous attention to detail, from vineyard to bottle, ensures that each wine embodies the true essence of the Dealu Mare Wine Region. With a harmonious blend of traditional winemaking techniques and innovative practices, Lacerta continues to push the boundaries and set new standards of excellence.

VINARIUM 2023: A Platform for Discovering and Celebrating:
VINARIUM 2023 served as a platform for wine enthusiasts and industry professionals to discover and appreciate the diverse range of wines offered by the region’s wineries. The event highlighted the unique terroir, winemaking traditions, and exceptional wines that make the Dealu Mare Wine Region an undisputed gem in the wine world.

Lacerta’s resounding success at VINARIUM 2023, with their Great Gold Medal for Shiraz and Gold Medals for Cuvee IX, Cabernet/Shiraz, and Feteasca Bio, further solidifies their position as a distinguished producer in the Dealu Mare Wine Region. Their commitment to excellence, innovation, and the art of winemaking continues to captivate wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. VINARIUM 2023 will be remembered as a momentous celebration of exceptional wines, where Lacerta’s outstanding achievements shone brightly among the finest in the industry.

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